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发布时间: 2022-06-17 21:37:29

① 英语翻译:为什么不吃早饭

Why don't you have breakfast ?Why not have breakfast ?

② 早上不吃早餐用英语怎么说

don't have breakfast

③ "你为什么不吃早饭和晚饭'' 这句话用英语和法语翻译

法语:pourquoi tu ne prends pas ton petit déjeuner et ton dîner
英语:why you don't take your breakfast and your supper?

④ 你为什么还不去吃饭的英语

Why don't you go to have dinner?


⑤ 不吃早餐的危害和吃早餐的重要性 英文 初一

If you don"t eat breakfast your brain wiil don"t keep clear and you wiil not do something well you will even be ill so you should eat breakfast everyday because it"s good for you and let you do everything better and help you keep healthy .
如果你不吃早餐,你的大脑将不会保持清醒 你也将不会出色的完成一些事情甚至会得病。所以你应该每天吃早餐因为它对你的身体有益并且让你更好的完成所有事情同样帮你保持健康

⑥ 英语寒假作业有很多学生早上不吃早饭写一篇短文要求1你认为他们为什么不吃早饭2这样有什么影响

According to a survey,many students go to school withing having breakfast.Why?On the one hand,some students have difficulties in get up early because they form the habit of going to bed very late e to playing.Only in the last minute do they get up and hurry to school in the morning.Obviously they have no time to touch the breakfast.On the other hand,many parents are too busy to take care of their children.Some time they may leave some money for their children to buy something to eat.Yet their children prefer to spend money on video game instead of breakfast.The parents may ignore the severe situation.
Since many students don't have breakfast,how about the result?They may become very weak for lack of food and can't concentrate on studying at school.In their eyes ,the morning seems to be a year.They take great trouble to let the morning psss by.Though they seat themselves in the classroom,their mind have go home for lunch.
Therefore , not having breakfast has bad influence on the students physically and in mind.

⑦ 《大学生为什么不吃早餐》 大家帮帮忙、、 要英文的,本人急用!!

Why College Students Do Not Have Breakfast
we entered intocampus life,then we found that it is something different between high school and college life.We got much earlier at high school than we do now;we were willing to have breakfast then,while on campus,we seldom do it,why?
first of all,i suppose,it it the circumstance that have great influence on our life style,just like that we stay at home and then go back to school, comparing with each other,we feel more ease at home ,ofcourse.
secondly,from the subjective view,we may be affected by our surroundings,but we could be more initiative to keep laziness away from us.
the life at college become more relaxing,we go to sleep much later in order to go on internet,or sometimes go to study ,so we are more willing to stay on bed than get up earlier to go to have breakfast,and in a word, may be more convienent,instead of saving money though in a certain degree it does sometimes.

⑧ 我们早上几乎都不吃。用英语怎么写

我们早上几乎都都不不吃We hardly eat in the morning,句子中的hardly是几乎不的意思

⑨ 用英语写一篇短文 早上不吃饭的坏处

Not eating breakfast is harmful to people's health.And if you feel hungry, you can't listen to what the teachers say clearly and effectively. And you can't get good marks when you take part in a test. Nowadays many students go to school without eating breakfast. It is a bad habit. It will make your body unhealthy.

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