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发布时间: 2022-02-14 08:08:46

① matlab的M文件双击没反应


② 从matlab里面打不开m文件,直接点击也打不开

function nTabs(thisObj,Num){
if(thisObj.className == "active")return;
var tabObj = thisObj.parentNode.id;
var tabList = document.getElementById(tabObj).getElementsByTagName("li");
for(i=0; i <tabList.length; i++)

③ matlab文件 的m文件变成这样打不开了,为什么


④ matlab的.m文件双击打不开了,但是通过matlab可以打开,在网上搜索了很多答案,但都没能解决问题。

  1. 我感觉没必要这样,因为仅仅查看m文件完全用不到打开庞大的matlab,我就是把m文件和Notepad++关联的。

  2. 修复方式:右键,打开方式,选matllab。

⑤ 不知道怎么弄的,无法直接双击打开m文件了(双击后只是启动了matlab,没有打开文件),只能在matlab里打开


打开matlab,然后打开help窗口,然后打开help目录找到第一个条目Matlab-》User's Guide->Desktop Tools and Development Environment ->Start up and Shutdown->Starting and Quitting the MATLAB Program:然后查看右边窗口的内容部分,点击Starting the MATLAB Program on Windows Platforms链接,窗口跳到下面点击Associating Files with MATLAB on Windows Platforms链接,然后窗口往下拉找到如下内容:
Utilities to Set Up File Associations on Windows Platforms. If you are viewing this topic in the MATLAB Help browser, you can run one of the utilities provided here to create associations in the Windows environment for common file types used by MATLAB. This requires you to have permission to write to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry key, which typically requires power user or administrator privileges.


Run utility to associate files with .fig extension with MATLAB

Run utility to associate files with .m extension with MATLAB

Run utility to associate files with .mat extension with MATLAB

Run utility to associate files with .mdl extension with MATLAB

Run utility to associate MATLAB with MEX-files

Run utility to associate MATLAB with P-files

Run utility to associate MATLAB with all of these file types: FIG, M, MAT, MDL, MEX, and P

The file type icon in the Windows Explorer tool might not reflect the change immediately.
直接点击上面这个链接 Run utility to associate files with .m extension with MATLAB就ok了。然后回到windows下随便找个.m文件直接双击,整个世界就亮了!

⑥ Matlab的M文件打不开

在set path里面把路径设定位文件存在的位置,并且在地址栏中将地址修改为文件存在的位置。

⑦ 文件双击打不开


@echo on
taskkill /im explorer.exe /f
taskkill /im wscript.exe
start reg add HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EXplorer\Advanced /v ShowSuperHidden /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
start reg import kill.reg
del c:\autorun.* /f /q /as
del %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\autorun.* /f /q /as
del d:\autorun.* /f /q /as
del e:\autorun.* /f /q /as
del f:\autorun.* /f /q /as
del g:\autorun.* /f /q /as
del h:\autorun.* /f /q /as
del i:\autorun.* /f /q /as
del j:\autorun.* /f /q /as
del k:\autorun.* /f /q /as
del l:\autorun.* /f /q /as
start explorer.exe

⑧ matlab中的M文件不能直接双击打开了,但从Matlab里能打开,请问各位高人这是怎么回事


⑨ matlab中的M文件突然不能直接双击打开了,但从Matlab里能打开,请问各位高人这是怎么回事


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