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發布時間: 2022-01-21 11:16:22

⑴ 幫我用英語翻譯個東西

The Sea
I come to view the boundless ocean
From Stony Hill on eastern shore.
Its water rolls in rhythmic motion,
And islands stand amid its roar.

Tree on tree grows from peak to peak;
Grass on grass looks lush far and nigh.
The autumn wind blows drear and bleak;
The monstrous billows surge up high.

The sun by day, the moon by night
Appear to rise up from the deep.
The Milky Way with stars so bright
Sinks down into the sea in sleep.

How happy I feel at this sight!
I croon this poem in delight.
made my home amidst this human bustle,
Yet I hear no clamour from the carts and horses.
My friend, you ask me how this can be so?
A distant heart will tend towards like places.
From the eastern hedge, I pluck chrysanthemum flowers,
And idly look towards the southern hills.
The mountain air is beautiful day and night,
The birds fly back to roost with one another.
I know that this must have some deeper meaning,
I try to explain, but cannot find the words

⑵ 我和朋友擁有的東西用英文怎麼說

What my friends and I have
1. 方位名。東方與西方;東邊與西邊;東部與西部等。2. 從東到西。3. 近旁,旁側。4. 猶四方。5. 指七、八十歲。6. 物產於四方,約言稱之為東西。古代亦以指產業。7. 泛指各種具體或抽象的人、事、物。8. 特指人或動物(含愛憎、感情)。

⑶ 英語幫我拿XXX東西怎麼說

would you please carry ^^^^ for me?

⑷ 英語翻譯~你以後不要隨便拿我的東西

you do not take my things.

⑸ 我要,我要屬於自已的東西,拿英語來怎麼翻譯

i want something belong to me

⑹ 還我東西用英語怎麼說

She picked up my thing and returned it to me.

⑺ 請把東西拿給我翻譯成英語怎麼說

Please take the things to me
Please bring me the things/bring the things to me

⑻ 你告訴我拿我想要的東西.翻譯成英語


You tell me to take the things I want.

⑼ 搶我東西的人都得死!用英語怎麼說

Anyone who grabs my things will be a dead man!

Whoever grabs my things must did!

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